Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Installing openNMS on RedHat using rpm.

I am assuming postgres database is already installed.

download the following rpm.

 now installing process...
rpm -ivh opennms-core-1.8.5-1.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh  jicmp-1.0.6-1.fc8.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh opennms-webapp-jetty-1.8.5-1.noarch.rpm

stop postgres database if it is running
/etc/init.d/postgresql stop

To allow OpenNMS to connect to the database, you will need to edit your database's  
pg_hba.conf file. On many default installations it can be found in the directory

local   all   all                      ident sameuser
host    all   all      ident sameuser
host    all   all    ::1/128           ident sameuser

You will need to change these entries to resemble the following: 

local   all   all                      trust
host    all   all      trust
host    all   all    ::1/128           trust
Next, you will need to edit postgresql.conf to accept TCP/IP 
connections. As with pg_hba.conf, check the defaults or your 
distribution's PostgreSQL documentation for the location of 
this file. As before, on many default installations it can 
be found in the directory /var/lib/pgsql/data/ Both 
postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf by default should be 
in the same location.
#listen_addresses = 'localhost'

uncomment this line to resemble

listen_addresses = 'localhost'

start the postgres db..
/etc/init.d/postgresql start

go to /opt/opennms/bin/ (default installation dir for opennms)

run the install script...

after that start opennms

#>opennms start

open http://localhost:8980/opennms/index.jsp

and enjoy...:)

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